Sunday, June 2, 2024

Finite, Indefinite, Infinite

   In the doctrine, we are told of the finite, the indefinite, and the Infinite. Theses are also terms in common use, but they receive from Revelation a fullness of meaning unknown before. The finite is that which has limit, a border or boundary, which can be seen by the eye or grasped by the imagination. The indefinite is that which has limit or boundary, but such as cannot be compassed by the human mind. The Infinite is wholly beyond the reach of all the thought and imagination of man. We can know that it is, but not what it is. The finite and the indefinite are in and of the created universe, but the Infinite is prior to the universe. It is God Himself, in Himself, the Uncreate... In respect to the Infinite, man is nothing. 
 W.F. Pendleton, D.TH.

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