Sunday, July 7, 2024

I Am Alpha & Omega


   As I've stated numerous times, this is a theatrical project which I began back in 1974. It has gone through many changes on it's journey from a screenplay to a multimedia theatre presentation. 

  I'm sad to report that the most recent versions of the stage play have been trapped on a failed hard disc and on my dead G3 laptop. I am certain I can recover those versions of the script, but now I am working to reconstitute what I do have, which amounts to the entire 1989  and portions of the 1999 version of the Libretto.  But I do have significant sections of handwritten notes and a new vision in my head.

   The original screenplay has been retitled "The Celestial Manifesto" and that version is in need of updating. That was written when I was 21 and it has the remnants of adolescence in the dialogue. So if I am to redress that film script, I will need to refine the dialogue a bit on that. I do think that has the foundation of a pretty good science fiction story. But I'm too busy with other things to attempt a rewrite on that screenplay.

   "I Am Alpha & Omega" was rewritten around 1986 to become a stage play and it had a few revisions before I broke off portions of the third Act to become a stage drama titled "Nunc Licet". That stage drama took up the majority of my writing labor for many, many years. Before I began "Nunc Licet",  I was writing a medieval romance titled "MiLady", which was retitled "Grael", as it became refined.

   After advancing with "Grael" and "Nunc Licet" I decided to return to working on
 " I Am Alpha & Omega".  At that time, I worked for numerous theatres, including a nine year stint with The New Hope Arts Commission as their Technical Director.

   I began discussing mounting "Alpha & Omega", with The Arts Commission,  but it was becoming too complex. Many years before, I designed A&O to be implemented in a Hemispherical Theatre. I also considered IMAX, and after that Cinema 360.  So when I returned to it, I was somewhat overwhelmed and uncertain what to do about it.

   That's when I shifted gears and moved to create "The Gnomes of New Hope; Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure", which I am still working on.  At that time, I was very involved in Children's Theatre.

  In any event, I have determined to begin rewriting "I Am Alpha & Omega" and committing myself to publishing the Libretto. I do need to address the music, particularly because the Third Act will be an opera based on the Apocalypse and I can't bring that up to spec until the first two acts are restructured satisfactorily.  I do have the text for the third act identified and some of the dialogue and lyrics crafted. It all needs to be pulled together.

  The advancement of A&O will depend somewhat on conversations that are underway in regard to the music. If I get a commitment from a composer I am talking to, then I will need to speed things up to finish the Libretto, so we can dive into the music.

   The one thing I want to achieve in the new revision is to bring a more abstract vision to certain sections. The are portions of the current Libretto that just laid down a dramatic structure that in not as as artistically crafted as I ant them to be. The information was placed there as a marker and needs to become an expression that is more akin to a impressionistic painting than a snapshot photo of information that we know and expect. There are other dramatic sections that I would like to craft around those ideas as well.

That's all for now. I'll post more later or update this post as I go. AG

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