Sunday, July 28, 2024

An Update

  Well, for a time there were discussions going on about the music with a composer/songwriter of note. That inspired me to work on the Libretto. Those discussions have ceased, primarily because the lines of communication could not, or would not, be confirmed by a face to face meeting. 

  There is only so much discussion that can take place until the lines of communication are confirmed to be absolutely secure and free from being corrupted by uncertainty. Well, we reached that point and the dialogue was beset with uncertainty on my part. So I discontinued discussing the project.

  That's not to say that dialogue can not or will not be initiated again, but the channels for that dialogue must be established through other professional avenues. I'd be happy if that happened, but as they say; "the ball is in your court".

  So in the meanwhile, I will be working on the Libretto, locating, gathering and revising the work that has been done in the past. The rapidity in which that occurs is completely contingent upon completing "The Gnomes of New Hope; Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure".

   But there is also "Nunc Licet", a stage play, that is in line to be produced for the cameras.

  In addition I have my responsibilities to "The Bryn Athyn Orchestra" as a Board Member, which involves; Grant Writing, Publicity, GFX Design, and Technical Direction.

   I also have multiple publishing projects online and intend upon installing a printing press in the Studio for the Illustrated Storybooks, the Score and assorted photographic and display products.

   So, because of all thiaddressing the music on "I Am Alpha & Omega" will not occur again until the Libretto is published again. I am open to discussions if that line of communication opens up again. I will continue to pursue the professional avenues available for that to happen.

   In the meanwhile, I have a goal of building my sound stage and of building a sound studio large enough to house a 24 piece orchestra (for the Gnomes) and possibly be expandable for a larger one. 

    It rather depends on the available space after doing a layout for the renovation of Building Two. I have four, 
5k sq ft buildings to work with and I have much to to in maintaining and renovating the studio facilities. So all projects are affected by this.

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