Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A Synopsis of the Project

 "I Am Alpha & Omega"

A Summary:

This project started out as a screenplay, 
which I wrote after I completing the film/television programs
 at Bucks County Community College 
with an major in Mass Media/Cinema.

 I then sought to enroll in the film program at Temple University in Philadelphia.  
I found that the program would not allow me to touch a film camera for two years. 
That was not acceptable to me, I already had my own camera equipment 
I was already making short films, 
plus I had two years in the Bucks program
 with four films under my belt from that program.

So I, after looking at film schools, I decided to visit The Film School 
in Half Moon Bay, California, where I wanted to enroll.
At 21 years of age I crossed the country 
to seek "fame & fortune" in the film industry. 
HA ! That's a joke. 

But I did live in Berkeley/San Fransisco for a time and during that time 
I wrote a screenplay titled "I Am Alpha & Omega".
That screenplay dealt with the second coming of Christ 
and was crafted as a science fiction story.

While I was there, that screenplay found it's way, 
thru a science fiction club in Hollywood, 
to Gene Roddenberry, the creator of "Star Trek". 
I was amazed, especially when as I was told that "he liked it".

Being a young and impressional "Film Student", 
I knew what the flaws were in my script, 
so I took it back, intending to make it better.

Of course, that did not happen so quickly. 

While I was there I was pitching the screenplay 
to an assortment of studios and "alleged" producers.
After showing it to NBC 
I was advised to take it to Bob Hope, 
which blew me away.
I simply could not imagine approaching Bob Hope!

Well, I got distracted from rewriting and ended up leaving Hollywood,
basically to protect myself from unsavory elements 
that were assaulting me, such as these "alleged Producers", 
who were really predators
seeking to take advantage of my innocence.

 Back In Pennsylvania, after a time, I found myself working more on A&O. 
designing festival events, 
producing concerts and film festivals. 

I thought it might be good to see if The Moody Blues might be interested in 
composing music for the film version of A&O.
I set up a meeting, but failed to succeed at that effort.

I then determined to complete my education 
and finish my degree at BC3.
This lead to me being employed 
by the BC3 theatre department as a tech.
 I was  involved in and studying;
 acting, signing, & technical theatre.

So, I decided to rewrite "A&O" as a theatre project.

The link below takes you to my home page. 
In the top header is a link to my Bio,
 which details the progress of my career.

The script for Alpha & Omega has gone through 
multiple stages of rewrites,
with each version gaining depth overall.

Well during this process, I was led to discover The Church of the New Jerusalem.
this church is founded on the second coming, which is defined as 
"a coming in the Word".

So over many decades of learning what this meant, 
I rewrote "I Am Alpha & Omega" numerous times 
to accommodate my increasing understanding 
of what the project needed to be.

I will continue to expand upon this Synopsis 
as time allows.


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