Thursday, April 13, 2023

A&O Soc. Foundation

   I'm on the brink of endowing the A&O Soc. Foundation with some seed money.

 As a not-for-profit organization, the A&O Soc. can be funded directly with income created by The Gnomes of New Hope and I expect to assign all or some of the Ancillary Market Licensing fees and Royalties to the Foundation directly. This is advantageous because, being provided directly to a non-profit Foundation those monies would be tax free, both in acquisition and expenditures. 

There are projects that are underway, which would fall directly into the purposes of the Alpha and Omega Society and so funding them in this way is most appropriate.

So producing or funding these projects (such as "Nunc Licet" or "I Am Alpha & Omega") can become a project of The Alpha &Omega Society as a funding mechanism for other important work.

My income from The Gnomes of New Hope only needs to be a fraction of the income potential. So I expect to assign the remainder of actual and potential income to the Foundation. After all, now that I am advancing in age, my time here is limited, so what else am I going to do with it?

That's the intent. But, of course, I will need to build a Board of Directors.

I am happy to discuss this with anyone who is interested.