Sunday, May 5, 2024

Alpha & Omega Script

The Libretto (script)

   So, I have been somewhat distressed by the difficulty I have had trying to transfer the script materials up to my main workstation.

   But then, I realized that I don't really need to transfer the script. I can just work on it on the older computer that I used to write it. Duh. So I printed out the first scene.

    Well, that worked out pretty good. So far, I updated some production notes in  the script and had a chance to review the last revision. I am pretty impressed with what I saw. It's not the way I envision it now, but it's a good foundation for creating an updated Libretto. 

   My recent thoughts are towards creating a sample using PowerPoint. I'm considering the improvements that have been made since the last revision in 1999 and I am inclined to make adjustments to the concepts to take this into account.

   I expect to spend more time on rewrites, now that I have it working on my old OS 9.2 Mac 6500. I'm also going to revisit my G4 machines, of which I have three. They all need to be brought back to life, not only for the sake of moving Alpha & Omega (and other files) up the line, but also to access the Digital Performer files that were created using the G4 QuickSilver.

   In any event "I Am Alpha & Omega" is on the move again. This time, the goal will be to publish the Libretto and then to move forward with the music while the Libretto is being refined to accommodate both the new staging and the music.

More to come.


Archive (4/37/24)

   I was asked "What's the plan?" It has to be this; determine the relationship between Writer/Lyricist and Composer so that the Libretto can be restructured to accommodate the creative propensities of those engaged in a collaboration. 

    If that is not addressed at this stage, then the Libretto will be strictly based on the Writer's perspectives as it is transferred to an updated workstation.  That process will engage a rewrite, since that last update was 1999.  In the new update, Lyrics will appear, some of which are already written, but not integrated into the Libretto. But integrating lyric should be in conjunction and agreement with the composer.

    The previous version of the script started to exceed the technical capabilities of imagery control, which at that time was undergoing extreme changes with the more extensive use of DMX, MIDI and the expansion of programs like Digital Performer. So it became clear that the writing needed to pause, until some technology was refined.

    I had gone through this conflict of technology with film, photography and video and that process threw my filmmaking into a tailspin, so rather than getting caught in this changes again, I put the development on hold for that reason; to allow technology to become more stable. But also, I had a few sections that I skipped over, sketching them out because I couldn't resolve certain design issues.

    I now have a few new ideas about the technical design issues in Act One and how to transition into Act Two, which has been predominately drama and dance, thinking that I may add musical theatre into that Act, in the form of lyrical music, which would lead into Operetta. The real challenge is the new mission for Act Three - something along the lines of High Opera. All of this being based on the literal form of the Word being integrated with the Spiritual Sense, and that being derived from the Church of The New Jerusalem teachings.

    So overall, the music will transition from a basic form of music to Symphonic and with the introduction of actors bring dance into the picture with a blending of drama transitioning from the spoken word into the lyrical expression of singing and that singing transitioning upwards toward High Opera. 

   So the. Creative Art aspect of theatre will run parallel to the Creation of the Universe as it expresses the Creation of the Mind of man and his/her relationship to the Heavens and God. Of course, this will express the balance between Heaven and hell, Good and evil, Truth and falsity.

   This would be an updated synopsis of the project as a whole 

     I am planning on diving into a rewrite, but truthfully, I cannot really get down to it fully, until the book publishing for The Gnomes of New Hope; Zach and Zebby's Grand Adventure is finished.  Once that layout is finalized, I will be turning to setting up my new music workstation with the upgraded components and a new Mac processor. If I do not come to an agreement with the composer I have been speaking with for "Alpha & Omega", then I need to be prepared to do it myself.


Archive (4/27/24)
     So I'm thinking about what it's going to take to recover the script and update it to the new objectives I have for it. I do have some ideas about delivery of God's dialogue, which I think could work really well. But getting the script converted over into an updated file format is going to be difficult. I don't seem to have Part Two. Part One appears to have more than one Act. I think I might have divided the piece into three plays. I'm not sure,  I distinctly remember having written certain portions of the play, but they don't seem to be included in the files I have. I'll just have to keep looking. I'm sure I have a hard copy somewhere.

   I am going to take a greater degree of Artistic License than I have heretofore. I think mainly because I was leaning more heavily on a poetic style in the more recent work. Being that Act Three will take shape as an opera, I think it's appropriate to review the earlier writings and allow a more abstract aesthetic style to emerge. I'm not sure what that will actually be, but I have a feeling about it.

   I do recall thinking that Act One was more technical theatre in terms of it's design, while Act Two was predominately intended to be dance & drema. I'm seeing more expression taking place in a dream state, giving more latitude to the dance.

   I have to say, it's uncertain how this will turn out. A concentrated effort will have to wait until after The Gnomes of New Hope is finished, at least the book publishing aspect of that project.


   You can read the history in other postings below, but this is to communicate some current thoughts/discoveries about the script.  I was relieved to find some files on an older OX9 computer I have, and today I was delving into the files that I have there and doing so on that operating system.  I can say I was surprised to find that Act One has been updated to integrate New Church philosophy with the Literal Sense of the Creation. I do recall writing both Act One and Act Two to have this element included in them, but so far though, I have been unable to find all those materials. Although the file for Act Two is there, I have not found the portions of the script that I  remember writing.  The file for Act Three is empty, because I removed that Act and used it to create "Nunc Licet", so that was expected.  What wasn't expected is that only portions of Act Two seem to be present. I know that I was using multiple computers to write this, one of which was a laptop that is now dead. So it seems I will need to be looking through all my old files to try to find all the materials that were written.  At worst, I will need to reconstitute it from what I remember.

   I have begun to write Act Three, I say write but I mean transfer over to a computer and restructure the material to be formatted for the stage.   The core material for Act Three has a very abstract form compared to Acts One & Two. What I can say is that the first half of Act One leans heavily on Technical Theatre to convey it's visual aspects, being that it is intended to represent the formation of the Universe and the World.

I will continue this later. AG

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