Sunday, August 11, 2024

"Nunc Licet"

Emanuel Swedebenborg

"Nunc Licet Intellectular Intre in Arcana Fedei"

"Now it is Permitted to enter Intellectually into the Secrets of Faith"

"Nunc Licet" written by Arthur Greisiger is a dramatic stage play that addresses the progression of thought and feelings that leads a person through religious concepts that are founded in Christianity and breeches the subject of the transition from the natural world into the spiritual world. It does this by exploring numerous concepts that arise in the mind that is exploring the existence of God and introduces the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, in a summary fashion, while doing so in the context of a dramatic stage presentation.

   This drama will be produced before "I Am Alpha & Omega", being that it was derived from that larger stage presentation and that A&O is undergoing rewrites and significant redesign as a whole.

   In terms of the resources available for any of this, Image of the Mind Studios is undergoing major changes in terms of facilities, construction, and also Publishing activities, so those things will directly effect any production of stage projects such as these.

   Two of the projects most affecting activities are the construction of a Green-Screen Stage and a Recording Studio. Another is Publishing Activities that must take priority. Check the IMS Virtual Studio and "The Gnomes of New Hope" for assorted discussions in this regard.